"a beautiful thing! I love the playing on your CD, and the choice of music, and the overall feeling of warmth and affection. ... suppleness and aliveness to shifting color and mood. ...Thank you both very much... for bringing something so lovely into the world." -- John Steinmetz, composer, Los Angeles
"Isn't that a beautiful thing?... wonderful recording... we'll be playing more of that in the future, I am certain." -- Tom Allen, CBC Radio
"Well, that's about as gorgeous as it gets..." -- Julie Nesrallah, CBC Radio
"Moving and uplifting, the smooth expressive playing of Jackson’s performance coupled with de Margerie’s elegant interpretation must have been a delightful and unique experience for their neighbours; and now for the rest of us too." -- Melissa Scott, WholeNote Magazine
"[This] extremely talented husband and wife duo has served up a delicious platter of comfort food.... expert performances... absolutely gorgeous music.... such an inviting work of art" -- The Double Reed (Journal of the International Double Reed Society)